Download Information About Persons

Movienizer can keep and manage information not only about movies and TV series, but also about actors, directors, composers, screenplay writers. Information about persons may include: filmography, biography, photos, facts, etc. These details can be downloaded from various supported movie databases or entered manually.

When you add persons, the following options can be seen at the bottom of the "Add person" wizard:

Download information about actors

If "Download information about the persons from the internet" is enabled, Movienizer will look up the names you entered in the selected movie database and download information about the people. If you disable this option, the program will simply open the "Edit info" window for each entered person, allowing to enter necessary details manually.

"Get the first name from the search results" lets the program skip the search results page and proceed to downloading information about the first result. As a rule, the first result is the most relevant one, so you can use this option to download information about a list of people without your supervision.

A click on the "Options..." link (on the right of the screenshot) will open a new window, there you can select from various available information sources.

After entering one or more names into the "Add person" dialog, click on the "Next" button. Movienizer sends a query to the selected movie database and displays a list of results for the first name on the list:

Search results for the name

If the "Get the first name from the search results" option was enabled in the "Add person" dialog, or if only one result was found for the given name, Movienizer will not show this page and will download information about the first / single result automatically.

Otherwise, just select the correct person from the list and click "Next".

In the upper part of the window, you can see the name that Movienizer is currently processing (1). This may be helpful, if you are downloading information for a number of people at once.

Right under the list of results, there is a "Change the name of the person" link. If the search delivered no results, or you discovered that you mistyped the name, click on the link and make necessary adjustments. After this, a new search request will be sent, and a new list of results will appear.

Movienizer will download information about the selected result. If it's the only person from the list, the "Edit info" page will be displayed, allowing you to verify and adjust details before saving them to your database. If you work with a list, search results for the next name will be displayed.

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Download Movienizer
Version 10.3

Demo Video

Movie organizer: A Movie Buff's Best Friend.
Illustrated movie catalog
for Dune HD